I am a queer/nonbinary artist with ADHD, currently located in Central Illinois. I received my BFA in Studio Art in 2011 from UNCG.

I have always been intrigued by dualities and oppositions and the spaces between them. In particular, my process has largely involved exploring the intersection of intentionality and chance.  Specifically, I usually approach a piece by introducing elements of randomness and then responding to them thoughtfully.  

My visual language explores contradictions and ambivalence primarily through dissolution of the ground plane and disorientation of the pictorial space (with a Cubistic ambiguity of space, scale, and interlacing of subjects through each other). I often experiment with ways to disengage from or disrupt the traditional rectangular plane (or, as I like to call it, “disrespect the rectangle”). I have drawn much of my ideological influence from Abstract Expressionist and Post-Modern artists (and recently, Dada) of the early- to mid-20th Century such as Hanna Höch, Franz Klein, and Robert Rauschenberg.

My body of work continues to grow as a narrative and ongoing meditation on liminal spaces in a society that historically values rigid adherence to arbitrary categories. My recent collage work has also introduced an often absurdist conversation with the zeitgeist, exploring my relationship with individual themes such as life during COVID, beauty standards, gender roles, and so on.

My work is intuitive, and is usually process-driven with a focus on the meditation-of-making rather than achieving a pre-planned outcome.


All images and website content copyright Christopher H. Morris, all rights reserved.

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